Thursday, September 8, 2011

ABX and BF - Day 30!

We did it! Completely done! Yesterday afternoon, I got to nurse without thinking of when we couldn't nurse again. All night we slept with no screaming, no sippies of water. It was glorious! I haven't had any symptoms in a little over 3 weeks. I'll have a blood test in 30 more days to make sure there isn't any sign of an active Lyme infection. I appreciate all the support during our crazy month. It wasn't easy, and it never got easier, but it was manageable, one day at a time, we managed. Today has been a marathon nursing day, I had somewhat anticipated that. We'll see if he slows down a bit in the coming weeks. I'm incredibly happy to have stuck to my plan. I can't imagine having lost my breastfeeding relationship over this. I was so scared when I was faced with this decision, and I don't regret the choice I made, on the contrary, I feel relieved that I chose what I did. I'm happy that we can continue to nurse until DB feels like it is time to stop. I hope that by sharing my story, perhaps another family facing the scary medical advice to "just wean" will look at their other options. There are always options.

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